Jack and Bore Projects

With the increase in trenchless technology, boring, jacking and receiving pits are becoming more and more popular. To accommodate this trend, Pro-Tec Equipment offers a couple of different options to assist in safety and production.

Shallow Projects
For shallower projects, Pro-Tec Equipment has found that Pro4 trench shields (specifically, 10’ high x 12’ long paired with 10’ high x 24’ long trench shields) provide adequate room for the machine to do its work. The Pro4-1012 would be the back trench shield, and the 24’ Trench Shield, with its 22’ of horizontal clearance, provides enough room to easily lower in the track and casings. Typically, these shields are paired with 10’-12’ long spreaders to achieve optimal width.
Deeper, More Complex Projects
For deeper or more complex projects, the Pro-Tec Equipment Slide Rail Shoring system fits the bill. Able to provide 20’+ of clear space in the first bay (large enough for typical casing sizes) with 6-8’ of vertical pipe clearance and enough space in the second bay for the machine.
Every project is unique, with different depths and other extenuating circumstances, such as: soil conditions, water levels, existing utilities and other parameters. Please contact your local Pro-Tec Trench Shoring and Shielding provider with as many details as possible to ensure you are matched with the best trench shield or shoring equipment to fit your project’s particular needs.
Job site photos are strictly intended for general product information only and may not comply with all applicable safety standards. Always refer to manufacturers’ serialized specific tabulated data, O.S.H.A. 29 CFR 1926 Subpart P for excavations and all applicable safety standards prior to each use.