J & K Contracting Scores with New Slide Rail Post

Constructing a cast-in-place pump station is nothing new for J & K Contracting, of Ames, Iowa. However, constructing a cast-in-place pump station inside of Iowa State University’s Jack Trice Stadium, less than a first down’s length away from the southern end zone, is certainly something new.
The project is part of the Jack Trice Stadium South End Zone Project, a $60 million project that will add capacity and a High Definition video board. Upon completion of this project, prior to the start of the 2015 college football season, Jack Trice Stadium will be the third largest football stadium in the Big 12 conference.
Constructing a cast-in-place pump station is nothing new for J & K Contracting, of Ames, Iowa. However, constructing a cast-in-place pump station inside of Iowa State University’s Jack Trice Stadium, less than a first down’s length away from the southern end zone, is certainly something new.
The project is part of the Jack Trice Stadium South End Zone Project, a $60 million project that will add capacity and a High Definition video board. Upon completion of this project, prior to the start of the 2015 college football season, Jack Trice Stadium will be the third largest football stadium in the Big 12 conference.
For their part, J & K Contracting won the bid to build the new pump station. The new station is designed to handle more storm water; and will replace an older, undersized station.
“Time was a concern on this project,” noted Matt Runge, Chief Operating Officer at J & K Contracting. “The job requirements demanded a shoring system that could be installed and removed to accommodate a very compressed schedule.”
The system J & K had in mind was a Slide Rail System; a dig and push style system. With its modular, flexible design the system can comply with a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Installed from the top down and removed from the bottom up, it minimizes size of excavations, soil disturbances, restoration time and cost. The installation is done with low vibration, providing soil support for excavations, adjacent structures and existing utilities.
“Upon hearing that they had been awarded the bid for the project, I contacted Matt at J & K,” remarked Dave Hehr, President of Contractor Solutions Trench Shoring, Pro-Tec Equipment’s distributor in Iowa. “I knew going in to the meeting that a Slide Rail System would be the best way to go on this job. With the limited working area, and being just feet away from the Jack Trice Football Field Turf, Slide Rail seemed like a perfect fit. We had worked with J & K previously, using the Pro-Tec Equipment Slide Rail system. Unfortunately, they thought the posts of the system were too tight, with their tracked design, compared to other systems on the market,” added Dave. “I contacted Pro-Tec Equipment about it, speaking with Josh Brown (Pro-Tec Equipment Slide Rail Specialist/Inside Sales) we spoke about how we might be able to fix that problem for them; his suggestion was their new Gen II post.”
The Pro-Tec Equipment Slide Rail System Gen II Posts, designed initially for use by Latin American contractors, which typically use smaller, lighter weight excavators, are lighter and easier to handle when compared to the Gen I Posts.
“As a result of the positive feedback we received, we decided that the Gen II posts would be made available within North America as well,” added Joshua Thorne, Pro-Tec Equipment Slide Rail Manager.
“In talking with Dave, the Gen II posts seemed to be the answer to the issues that J & K had with our Slide Rail System,” commented Brown. “The way the posts are designed, they allow for more play between the posts and panels, while still ensuring that the panels are securely in place. This allows the posts and the overall system to be to be installed and removed with a bit more ease, compared to our Gen I posts.”
The Pro-Tec Equipment Slide Rail System Gen II Posts are built to accommodate 24’ of panel height, with an overall post height of 22’ for both the Corner and Spreader (Linear) Post. Using a combination of the tight track design for the outer track (used throughout the Gen I post), and a more open, slot track design for the inner track, the Gen II posts enables the Pro-Tec Equipment Slide Rail System to achieve 20’ deep clear span systems without having to use larger, heavier post.
“After talking with Josh Brown, I had the meeting with J & K, in which I was able to show them actual photos of the post and CAD drawings done by Pro-Tec Equipment’s in-house CAD Staff. They (J & K) said they would try it,” recounted Dave.
Using a John Deere 450 excavator and a Hitachi 85, J & K Contracting was able to install the Slide Rail System, measuring 34’-6” ID long, by 21’ID wide, by 16’ deep. With the aid of Carl Leonard, one of Pro-Tec Equipment’s trained Slide Rail Site Consultants, the system was installed in a matter of two days.
“The new Gen II posts have improved tremendously from the Gen I enabling a more effortless installation and removal process,” noted Matt.
As a testament to the Pro-Tec Equipment Slide Rail Systems flexibility, the system was originally designed and sent to the site as a clear span system, however site conditions and job requirement dictated an on the fly change.
“Once we came on site, we saw that clear spanning the system would not be needed,” noted Brown. “J & K was actually able to achieve the vertical clearance they desired by bracing the spreader post off the poured pad and raising the spreader assembly up, saving them additional time and expense.”
“The Contractor Solutions/Pro-Tec Equipment team is second to none when it comes to equipment delivery and assistance in set-up,” added Matt. “We look forward to a continued partnership with this team and many more successful projects to come.”
J & K Contracting is a full service sewer, water and excavating contractor. J & K performs work across the state of Iowa including interstate, highway and municipal street construction as well as building site work and development. J & K has also grown to specialize in water and wastewater treatment underground process piping. Contact J & K Contracting at 515-233-5500 or www.jandkcontractingofiowa.com
Contractor Solutions is the only authorized dealer for Pro-Tec Equipment in Iowa. Specializing in trench shoring and construction equipment rentals and sales, Contractor Solutions offers contractors a quality product with knowledge, support and service behind the product. Contact Contractor at 515-265-7368 or www.cs-shoring.com